What is Azelaic Acid and How to Use it in Your Skincare Routine?
Mar 06, 2024 By Madison Evans

There are so many different kinds of acids that are being launched in the market for skincare. Among all these elixirs for skincare, one name that is taking the spotlight nowadays is azelaic acid. Only a few people know about this ingredient because it is not popular, but trust us, this can be the perfect ingredient for people trying to get rid of their pimples and unwanted rosacea.

If you are unsure about this azelaic acid, its benefits, and how to incorporate it into your skincare routine, there is no need to worry because we have you covered. This article has some of the significant benefits you can get from these ingredients and how to use them. So, let's jump right into the article and have a look at it.

What is Azelaic Acid?

Before understanding how to use this acid and incorporate it into your skincare routine, you must know what this is. This substance is used as a local treatment for your skin issues. Azelaic acid is perfect to treat acne, rosacea, and even hyperpigmentation. This is available in our food, such as wheat, rye, and even barley.

Benefits of Azelaic Acid

A dermatologist can prescribe your dermatologist for many reasons. Below, we have mentioned some of the expected benefits of using this ingredient.

Helps in Removing Bacteria

Azelaic acid is very beneficial in removing bacteria from your skin. This has antimicrobial properties, which ensure that the growth of the bacteria from your skin is minimized. It will clean the pores and reduce the chances of having acne, whiteheads, and even blackheads.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

This ingredient is also a potent anti-inflammatory. It can be used to reduce skin inflammation, such as acne. It is also great for reducing redness and irritation on the skin. You can also use this ingredient to reduce the approach of acne scarring.

Regeneration of Cells

Azelaic acid can also work as an exfoliating substance. It cleans the skin and removes the unwanted and dead cells from the skin. Not only this, it is also suitable for cell turnover and promotes the regeneration of cells. This will aid in faster skin healing and reduce the appearance of acne spots and scarring on the skin.

Treatment for Hyperpigmentation

People who are struggling with hyperpigmentation, such as rosacea, melasma, and even dark spots, can benefit significantly from this ingredient. It will even out the skin tone and make your skin glow from within.

How to Incorporate Azelaic Acid in Your Skincare Routine?

Azelaic acid is an active ingredient. This means that before starting to use this substance, it is vital that you check with your dermatologist. However, if you don't want to do that, you might want to consider the steps we have mentioned below to start using this acid in your skincare routine.

Do a Patch Test

The first and most crucial thing before incorporating active ingredients or any other new skincare products into your routine is a patch test. You need to ensure your skin is not reacting badly to the product. If you use it before the patch test and if your skin starts rejecting the ingredients, your entire face will be affected. This is why doing a patch test beforehand is very important.

You can try doing this on the side of your face or neck. Wait 24 hours and check for any redness or itchiness on your skin. You can use it if you don't experience any of those issues.

Choosing the Right Formula

The next thing you have to do is choose the right formula for yourself. If you are a beginner and have not used any active ingredient before, always start with the lower percentage. When your skin gets used to that, you can gradually increase the percentage. The products can range from 5% to 20% on prescription. Therefore, always start with 5% azelaic acid and slowly amp it up when you see the difference in your skin.

Slowly Increase the Usage

It is seen that the best results of azelaic acid is when you use them day and night. When starting azelaic acid, it is best to use it every alternate day. When your skin gets used to it, use it daily and at night.

Use it after Cleanser and Toner

When you are using the products with azelaic acid, always use it after cleaning your face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and makeup from your face. Follow it up with a toner and then apply the azelaic acid. This is important so that azelaic acid does not react with the dirt and debris, and it will also reduce the efficiency of the substance. Therefore, it is essential to have a clean face before using it.

Use the 13 Dots Method

People take a considerable amount of azelaic acid to apply on the skin. But this is not the right way. You only need a pea-sized amount and dot it all over your skin. The 13-dot method is the perfect way to use azelaic acid, and you'll be surprised how much a small dot can go a long way.

Lock it with a Moisturizer

The last step is to lock in the product with the moisturizer. After applying azelaic acid, give it a few minutes to properly sink into the skin, and then apply your moisturizer. It is best to use hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture and prevent your skin from drying out.

Final Words:

Many unique products and ingredients are now used in skincare products so that people can have the most clear and clean skin. Among these different ingredients, azelaic acid is one of the best and most effective. Hence, we hope this article was informative for you, and now you know the benefits and how to use this in your skincare routine.