What is Fermented Skincare and How it Benefits the Skin?
Mar 06, 2024 By Nancy Miller

We all know how much Korean skincare has taken over the world. Korean people have quickly become the standard for having glass and clean skin. There have been a lot of trends that originated from this part of the world. Among these trends, one that has recently been highlighted is fermented skincare.

Fermented food has many benefits, but is tested skincare as good as the food? Many companies have jumped onto this bandwagon, and now everyone is launching their version of fermented skincare. If you are also intrigued by this new trend and are thinking of getting some fermented skincare, this article is just for you. So, let's jump right into the article and learn everything related to this.

What is Fermented Skincare?

We are sure you have heard about fermented foods and their health benefits. This is because, with the help of fermentation, natural probiotics are added to the food. This is an excellent way of adding probiotics to the food and making it healthy for our gut and digestive tract. With the help of this process, you can add microbes that are good for your health.

Similarly to fermented food, fermented skincare allows you to add beneficial microbes to your skin. The microbes for the skin are different compared to the gut microbes, and these fermented skincare products are made especially for enhancing the microbes in your skin. A healthy skin microbiome is essential because it is the body's first line of defense. This is why improving the skin and nourishing the microbiome is very important.

Fermented skincare ingredients usually are natural and plant-based. Some of the common examples are lemon peels or even sugarcane. These are then transformed into fermentation with the help of yeast or bacteria that form the substances that will benefit your skin. Fermentation of the skincare can increase the bioavailability of nutrients and make it easy for our skin to absorb all the nutrients. When the skin can absorb this nutrient easily, you will see results more effectively and quickly.

Benefits of Fermented Skincare

Now that you know what fermented skincare is, are you wondering how it can benefit your skin? No need to worry because we have got you covered here as well. Below, we have mentioned some of the major benefits you can get from using this type of skincare, so let's look at it.

Better for Skin Absorption

When you apply your skincare, you aim to ensure it penetrates the skin properly. The fermented skincare makes it very easy for your skincare products to be absorbed into the skin. When the products get adequately absorbed, you'll see better results with less product usage. Another thing is that you will be able to keep your skin moisturized for a longer time, and it won't run off your skin as quickly.

High in Antioxidants

The fermented skincare products are also high in antioxidants. This means that they will promote the penetration of products into your skin. It will help reduce the oxidation stress in your skin and even the skin tone.

Hydrate and Nourish the Skin

Another significant benefit of using these fermented skincare products is that they are great for keeping you hydrated and plump. Since they will enhance the penetration of the skin, your skin will stay hydrated from within. They are also improving the effectiveness of the products. This means you have even-looking, nourished, and hydrated skin for longer.

Great for Sensitive Skin

People with sensitive skin know the struggle to find the right products for themselves that won't irritate them. The fermented skincare can be the best thing for them. This is because fermented skincare causes further fermentation of products that you apply on your skin, and they break down the proteins in the products so that they don't cause any irritation on the skin. These products are very gentle on the skin and effective for sensitive skin.

Balanced the Skin Biome

The fermented skincare's main aim is to balance the skin biome. Every person has a different microbiome on their skin, which means there are good bacteria and microorganisms on the skin. Therefore, if the skin biome is destroyed, it can irritate the skin, causing redness and even breakouts.

With the help of fermented skincare, we can balance these skin biomes and enhance the skin texture and even the skin tone. This skincare is dermatologist-approved, and according to them, this is the right way to balance out the skin biome.

Eco-friendly Skincare

If you are trying to live more sustainably, these products should be your pick. With the help of fermentation, the molecules are broken down into smaller acids and are found in natural bacteria. The natural bacteria can enhance the shelf life, and you will be able to use the products for a longer time. Thus, you don't have to worry about environmentally harmful products.

Improves Skin Texture

Fermented skincare is fantastic for people who are suffering from uneven skin texture. It will improve the overall skin texture, greatly reducing blemishes and dark spots. It will promote smoother skin and brighten the complexion.

Collagen Production

It is also great for improving the collagen production. It enhances the skin's elasticity, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and makes your skin look more young.

Final Words:

Fermented skincare is a new trend that is emerging in the market. This trend also came from Korea, which is known for its fantastic skincare products and promoting the most stunning, glass-like skin. Fermented skincare is great for balancing the skin biome and enhancing the good bacteria. Once you start using these skincare products, you will see the magical difference in your skin. Hence, we hope this article was beneficial for you and that you were able to learn more about fermented skincare.