Does Sweat Cause Acne? How to Break Sweat Without Causing One!
Mar 06, 2024 By Nancy Miller

Fluctuating hormones aren't the only significant contributors to acne; working out and lying in the sun are also big causes. Excess oil, dirt, and bacteria buildup in these cases will generally contribute to breakouts or acne.

So, if you are worried that does sweat cause acne, causing you to rethink working out, then don’t worry; it is entirely normal. Instead of avoiding activities that make you sweat due to sweat pimples, you should have good hygiene, among other things. So what should you do to prevent such breakouts from sweat? Let's find out.

Does Sweat Cause Acne?

Not necessarily, and only if you aren't cleaning, washing, or rinsing afterward, as it leads to clogging of pores. Whether you use soap, shampoo, or even cleanser after sweating, you are good to go because you have rinsed off sweat and oils. It doesn’t matter how you sweat, whether going to the gym, running, or simply sweating in the sun; remember to clean the sweaty skin.

What is Sweat Acne?

Sweat pimples are one of the reasons people worry about that can sweat cause acne. The acne type forms when you let sweat stay longer, don't change clothes, or wear the same clothes again without washing. The sweat welcomes bacteria, allows it to stay there, and doesn't allow the sebum produced to disappear.

Any of these activities can cause comedones when bacteria are allowed to fester. Similarly, many different acne names associated with such activities are formed, most of which have sweat in common. More commonly, there is no cleaning after sweating.

Where on Your Body are These Acne More Common?

Anywhere where you have sweat glands, which are areas like your face, groin region, armpits, etc. These are the places where there is a higher amount of sweat glands where it is easy for sweat to accumulate because some places like this have skin folded on top of each other. Furthermore, when rubbed against these places, your clothes or other accessories will cause friction, causing acne.

Consider an athlete cycling and wearing a helmet for protection. The helmet is secured with a strap, so the most common places for them to get acne are the forehead and the strap. This is because these are the places where there is friction and more accumulation of dirt and sweat.

How to Avoid Acne From Sweat?

Now that we have cleared the question of does sweat cause acne, we can now move on to how you can avoid or minimize the chances of acne. You can include some key practices in your regimen to prevent that.

Clean Loose Fitting Clothes

The clothes you wear should be clean and lose fit first, and they shouldn't have bacteria like if you wear clothes again, you have already sweated in. Secondly, your clothes won't rub against you, causing friction.

Specific apparel like strap bras, tight-fit clothes, and headbands stay in contact with your skin longer. These spots will keep the sweat longer and are more friction-prone, two of the biggest acne contenders.

Avoid or Remove Makeup Before Workout

Makeup covers your pores, and when you sweat, it can cause clogging of your skin pores. So, the next time you start a workout, please avoid wearing makeup or clean it before starting.

Workout is one of many conditions here. If you know you will sweat when going out, remove as much makeup as possible if you regularly get acne. Even walking or staying in the sun for longer can significantly contribute here.

Apply Sunscreen When Exercising Outdoors

The UV rays can dry out your skin when working out, a typical phenomenon. So, during such routines, cover your bare skin with SPF cream or sunblock. You can go the extra mile by choosing sunblocks with oil-free formula.

Keep Skin Dry During Workout

It is expected to shower after a workout, but why let the sweat stay there until you do? The longer you don't clean or wash the sweat, the more the chances of accumulating bacteria.

So, instead of waiting to wash it off or worrying about does sweat cause acne, keep a towel with you. Whenever you feel some sweat, clean it off with a towel.

Clean and Wipe Shared Equipment

This is also true for most common equipment in the gym. Keep alcoholic wipes or regular towels with you and use them every time you use a common gear. You should also wipe it off to be courteous to others after you are done.

Change into Clean Clothes as Soon as You Can

While this is true for workouts, you can follow this routine if you live in hotter climates. After sweating a lot after an activity, keep a spare clothing item and change into that.

If you can shower immediately after such an activity, that is good enough, but if you can, change into cleaner clothes after a workout. Your sweaty clothes will be more bacteria-prone and might even cause breakouts.

Keep Hydrated When Hot

When exercising, and even during hotter weather, your body sweats a lot, losing water. The body reacts to the reduced water levels by producing more sebum. It can clog pores and is more prone to bacteria.

So keep drinking regularly during hotter days to prevent that, saving you from clogged pores.

Final Words

There are many reasons for acne, ranging from genetics, body type, weather, and activities. Sweating is one of the leading causes. But there are a lot of things that add to sweating and getting acne. So, next time you are doing activities that cause you to sweat, follow the tips in this article to avoid acne. Next time, you won’t have to worry about does sweat cause acne, and you will be about your business easily.